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Finn McCool's - 3/17/06

Not Enough Luck Of The Irish

The Pheromones sounded much better on St. Patrick's Night at Finn McCool's; I'm glad I helped out with the sound check. You could even hear Brian and Jessica's vocals. Moving to the restaurant area turned out to be a nice change of pace, except for Brian blacking out during the second set. This medical "curse" they might have never seems to end. He was helped off-stage but in true rock n' roll fashion, he waited until he could see again then got right back on-stage. They did play an Irish tune, but also brought back their pirate song giving Donny the chance to say "Arrrrrrr" again. Jack performed between sets and again proved that even though he isn't a great singer, he has plenty of heart.

Check out the entire set of photos from this show on my Flickr page!

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